Aged Care Masterclasses 2024

Struggling to understand Australia's aged care system? You're not alone.
Getting your head around Australia's aged care system can be a bit of a nightmare. The word people use to describe it is 'minefield'.
In 2023 we launched a series of webinar Masterclasses teaching people how My Aged Care works, how to prepare for assessments, understanding different programs of support and what to do when a loved one's needs increase. We covered other important topics too, such as legal and financial considerations for ageing.
The 2024 Masterclass series launched on Wednesday 8th May and will run through to December 2024. Each class is only $47 per class and you receive a recording of each class.

Wednesday 8th May 2024
4.30pm AEST
How do I get help at home?

Wednesday 22nd May 2024
4.30pm AEST
How do I prepare for an assessment?
- Does My Aged Care assess me?
- How are assessments done?
- Who are the assessment teams?
- Can I offer input?
- How to become a representative

Wednesday 5th June 2024
Home Care Packages
- Getting approval for a home care package
- Choosing a self-managed or fully managed provider
- What are valid care expenses?
- Getting care planning right
- The benefit of clinical input
Wednesday 5th June 2024
4.30pm AEST
Home Care Packages
- Getting approval for a home care package
- Choosing a self-managed or fully managed provider
- What are valid care expenses?
- The benefit of clinical input
- Ensure your care plan is right

Wednesday 19th June 2024
4.30pm AEST
Short Term Restorative Care
- What is Short-Term Restorative Care?
- Who approves for this program?
- How does this program differ from packages?
- Who develops my care plan?
- How do I use my funding?
Wednesday 3rd July 2024
4.30pm AEST
What do I do if my needs increase?

Wednesday 17th July 2024
4.30pm AEST
What do the reforms mean for me?
- What is the Single Assessment Workforce?
- What is Support at Home?
- What is a Care Finder?
- What is a Care Partner?
- What is the ACSO?
Wednesday 14th Aug 2024
4.30pm AEST
Legal Considerations for Ageing

Wednesday 11th Sept 2024
4.30pm AEST
Granny Flat Arrangements
- What is a Granny Flat Arrangement?
- Centrelink assessment and implications
- Practical realities
- Ending an arrangement
Monday 7th Oct 2024
4.30pm AEST
FREE EVENT - No recording of session available
The truth about after death administration
- Finalising legal aspects of an estate
- Finalising financial aspects
- Finalising property
- Finalising personal tasks

Wednesday 13th Nov 2024
4.30pm AEST
Costs of Residential Aged Care
- What are the different fees?
- Do I have to sell my home?
- Can I reduce the costs?
- What is the gifting rule?

More classes will be added soon.
Sign up for the Masterclass series and be the first to know.
Who these classes are for and why
Every week we're contacted by people who are told by My Aged Care that they aren't eligible for aged care services or are told they can't get an assessment with the Aged Care Assessment Team (ACAT). They don't know what to do, the information they've read and heard is conflicting and they're seeking accurate information and support to get into and progress through each level within the system.
Some of the reasons these people have been given by My Aged Care are that they are ineligible because they have a carer, they are ineligible because they are self-funded retirees, they are ineligible because they can still clean, prepare a meal for themselves, they can still shower themselves and they still drive. We've also been told by people seeking in-home support that My Aged Care has advised them they are ineligible if there is someone else living in the home with the older person.
All this information is incorrect.
We're also been contacted by people who cannot progress from entry level services, having been assessed previously by the Regional Assessment Service and needing an ACAT assessment.
The aged care system is supposed to support older people to remain living in their own homes for as long as possible, but the complexity of the system prevents people getting the support they need in time.
I published my book to teach people how the aged care system works and last year we launched our aged care Masterclass series for the same reason, to teach and support people to get the in-home support they need.
You've heard the saying "you only get one chance to make a first impression" and this is true of Australia's aged care system. Understanding how the system works, knowing how to prepare for initial contact with My Aged Care and any assessments, and being aware of when and how to go about getting extra support as your loved one's needs increase means you'll be able to support older loved ones stay at home for as long as possible.
How these classes work
These online Masterclasses and focus on topics relating to keeping older loved ones at home and as independent as possible. The classes are capped at fifteen people to ensure you have a personalised experience and don’t get lost in the crowd. You have the opportunity to ask questions that will be answered during the class and you’ll be sent a copy of the recording after the event ends.
Simply choose the topics you’re interested in and follow the link to book and pay for your classes. Each class is $47.
Watch your inbox for the Zoom link for each class. Be sure to check your junk folder in case it ends up in there.
You’ll receive reminder emails as it gets closer to your chosen classes.
The duration of each class is about 40 minutes with questions and answers for the remaining 20 minutes. After the class is finished, we email you a link to the recording.