Clinical Review

Not sure how you can use your package funds?

Do you need a higher level of home care package?

Are you self-managing a home care package?

Having a Registered Nurse review your care plan is the best way to ensure your home care package is meeting all your needs. It also guides your provider to consider other services you might want. In essence, it makes it easier for your provider to say yes to you spending your funding on what keeps you well and independent or to be approved for a higher level of home care package.


How Does A Clinical Review Work

Who is it For?

This service is for people whose provider doesn't have a Registered Nurse monitoring their needs and updating their care plans as their needs change. This could be a self-managed provider or a fully managed provider.  As your needs change it is essential to provide clinical evidence to satisfy the ACAT to approve you for an upgraded level of package.

What's Included?

A review of your current care plan and GP health summary and a discussion with you about what else could be included in your care plan.

We then provide a summary to your package provider to include in your care plan. You'll also receive the summary so you know what we've recommended.

What's not included?

We don't develop your care plan, your provider does that. We're looking for things your provider may not be aware of to include in your care plan.

There's so much you can have paid for by your package funding. Having your needs clearly noted in your care plan makes it easier for your provider to  agree to other services and support.

How much does it cost?

The service is $797. We review your provider's care plan and your GP health summary and then we allow an hour to discuss your needs with you.

We then write a report that both you and your provider receive. The report should be used by your provider to demonstrate your need for an upgraded package level.

And yes, your package funding can pay for this service.

Why would I need this service?

Understanding a person's health needs is essential to knowing how they can remain well and independent. This is what we as Registered Nurses do in our roles every day, assess, plan and review.

Care planning without clinical knowledge is like going to the GP but asking the receptionist how to manage your health issues.

How do I get started?

Chat with your provider to see if they'll approve this service from your package funding.

We'll email you a consent form that you complete online and send back to us. A copy of your GP health summary is needed too. We liaise with you to choose a date for the review and send you the details in an email. Contact Michelle on 0432 995 776 for more information.

What people say about the support we provide

“I have a parent with an approved home care package, but was stuck trying to figure out the best way forward. Who to work with, best way to utilised the funding and other concerns. Coral was super helpful in every way. I now feel confident in making sure I'm making the most out of my parent's funding."

Tania, Melbourne

“What a relief to talk with someone who understands the very confusing aged care system and can translate it all into understandable language.

I have been struggling with knowing what to do and which are the right decisions for my parents with regards to home care packages.

Thank you Coral, your advice has been invaluable."

Janet, Townsville

“Coral was a lifesaver. In over two years trying to get support and reassessment of mum's needs, engagement with Coral saw mum reassessed and additional supports wrapped around her to meet her needs.

I honestly was at wits end with the runaround between My Aged Care and another service provider. Mum now has a level 4 package and remains at home with her family."

Petrina, Cairns

“My Parents were recently assigned home care packages and I have spent weeks trying to figure out how they work and how to make the most of them.

Yesterday I had an online consultation with Coral for advice on how to make the most of the HCP for my parents. After speaking with Coral, I have a clearer picture of what my parents can use the HCP funding for."

Susan, Sunshine Coast

Your Frequently Asked Questions answered Here

Why would I need a Clinical Review?

The aged care system is highly regulated and evidence is required to validate expenditure from your home care package.

Package providers have to show evidence they allow you to spend your package funding aligning with your personal needs.

Our experience is that providers who employ Registered Nurses, allow a greater range of services and support to be paid for by the package funding. This is because Registered Nurses take a holistic view of the person and develop their care plan with a lot more detail than a non nurse.

Self-managed providers don't have Registered Nurses on staff and many fully managed providers don't either. You may be missing out on getting the support you need because you don't have the clinical validation to support your request.

How can a nurse assess all my needs?

Nurses are trained to take a holistic view of a person, meaning, unlike other clinicians who may focus on a specific part of the body, or ailment, nurses look at all parts of the body and all health issues.

Nurses understand mobility issues and falls, limitations in independence and functional decline, weight loss, speech impairment and swallowing, mental health and cognitive decline.

Having a nurse holistically assess your needs means all your limitations are captured at once, saving your time and extra money with multiple clinician assessments.

Why do you need my GP health summary?

Your GP summary gives us the information to think about your health issues and what services, support and purchases you might benefit from, using your package funding to pay for them.

Without your GP summary, it's like doing our job with a blindfold on and is much harder to provide you with a broader range of recommendations.

Your GP summary give us vital information to provide evidence to your package provider.

Is my information confidential?

Yes, 100%.

Before we proceed with your care plan review, we get your consent about who you want us to share information with.

We will not disclose any sensitive information without your consent.

Do I get a copy of the summary?


We're here to support both you and your provider optimise your services and support within your home care package. Your provider gets a copy of the summary and so do you.

Why is there an initial and then an ongoing review?

A Clinical Review is not an assessment, which takes much longer. However, the initial review also takes some time until we get to know you.

The initial review takes more time as we allow an hour to discuss your needs with you. Then we make suggestions for your care plan. We allow another hour for this.

Once the initial review is done, the follow up reviews don't take as long because the ground work is already done, we speak with you for only 20 minutes in a follow up review.

It's your decision though, how often you want us to do ongoing reviews, we don't lock you into a timeframe.